Big Mouth™ High Heat Injection Sprayer by StainOut Systems (SOS)Store/Shop by Brand/StainOut System (SOS)$232.25Save this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itBig Mouth™ High Heat Injection Sprayer by StainOut Systems (SOS)Store/Shop by Brand/StainOut System (SOS)Product DetailsLimited Supply! To place an order or get more information, please call or text 770-729-7117, or email [email protected]. BIG Mouth™ High Heat Injection Sprayer by StainOut Systems The 5 Qt large opening inline injection sprayer from StainOut Systems is going to be your new go to for a reliable sprayer. Standard features include: Super Strong 5 QT jug Large rear opening for easy fill Works at high temperatures Stainless Steel components Anti drip jet Ergonomic pressure gun Viton seals Excellent filtration Show More